You may have noticed beauty and cosmetic clinics are no longer listing certain services on their websites or advertising certain services. This is due to the Therapeutic Goods Association (TGA), the regulator of medical advertising in Australia, restricting the use of terms like ‘Botox’ and ‘Botox Near Me’ in Melbourne and the rest of Australia. 

While this is with good intentions of the TGA, it does make it difficult for Beauty Science and other providers of these services to be transparent about what services we provide. This guide is to help you understand what these regulations now mean and how they impact what we can display online.

Why the TGA Has Banned ‘Botox’, ‘Masseter Botox’ & Related in Advertising

The Therapeutic Good Association said the reason for the ban on terms like ‘Botox’, ‘Masseter Botox’ and more is because:

“Recently, the TGA has observed that clinics and health services in other industry areas are advertising the availability of prescription medicines, usually by referring to a class of goods (for example ‘weight loss injections’, [‘HA hyaluronic fillers’], ‘medicinal cannabis’ or ‘nicotine vaping products’). The TGA has interpreted that promoting a health service in this way is also an advertisement for a therapeutic good that refers to prescription medicines, which is unlawful. 

To resolve any inconsistency in interpretation across industry areas, the TGA no longer permits references to terms such as ‘wrinkle reducing injections’ where those terms would result in a reasonable consumer understanding the intention of the content is to promote the use or supply of a prescription medicine.”

Front view playful happy young mixed race well groomed women best friends in silk gowns lying on comfortable bed with raised fit slim legs, enjoying spa weekend free relaxed time together in hotel.

‘Botox’ Related Terms Banned By the TGA

The TGA has advised the following terms are no longer to be used in advertising:

  • Wrinkle reducing injections
  • Botox
  • Botulinum toxin
  • Anti Wrinkle Injections 

What happens if a business breaches TGA advertising regulations?

If a business breaches the TGA’s regulations, an infringement notice with a financial penalty may be issued, depending on the severity of the offence. Some fines for advertising breaches have been in excess of $600,000. This would be the end of many businesses. 

What this means for you…

The recent TGA updates means providers of such cosmetic services are no longer able to use the language commonly used (upwards of 10,000 people every month in Melbourne alone) to help you find us. This will make your research in providers more difficult. However, we hope you understand why we can no longer list these services in a clear way on our website or across our online presence.